Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parliamentary democracy

Do we really need this so-called parliamentary system which neither a 'parliament' (since most of the time fail to discuss people's problems etc.) nor a 'system' (here everything is unsystematic!!!). It is also interesting that people whose job is to create law became rubber stamp to approve it without any choice of discussion/delebration or even opposing it !!!(here keep in mind the whip system where dictate of political parti will override constitutional principle of freedom of speech of parliamentarians even if they want to speak). Do we have any better choice/option....let us explore....I feel that without any radical attempt, we can make some changes... firstly; do away the whip system; secondly, make provision whereby ministers should have only authority to implement laws and law making should absolutely be given to parliament, minister can only make request for law through the prime minister; thirdly, for making the parliament a true federal parliament, council of states should have equal powers except no confidence motion; fourthly, to make the parliament more effective not only women should have their share but also other groups such as OBCs and Muslims should also be accomodated and lastly; the appointment of the judges of high courts and supreme court should be subject to voting of both of the house but removal should be through only impeachment process.

Unless the parliament is going to be an effective and true parliament, the future of democracy and rights of people will depend on group of people, whom we often call 'cabinet', loyal to one but responsible to none!!!!!!